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10bet Chooses Sumsub For Streamlined Identity Verification

Wednesday, 14 June 2023

Today Sumsub is pleased to announce a new collaboration with 10bet, a leading global sports betting and games operator.

10bet has integrated Sumsub’s verification platform into its existing  systems, providing its 1M+ global customers with a comprehensive  solution that includes user onboarding, age verification, proof of  address check, and more. With its user-friendly interface and  customizable verification flow, Sumsub ensures bulletproof fraud  protection and full compliance with AML regulations while keeping  10bet’s global user pass rates high.

In particular, 10bet has signed up for Sumsub’s 1click onboarding solution in Brazil. This solution empowers 10bet to instantly verify bettors  from Brazil without scanning their documents. All they need to do is  provide their CPF number and pass a quick liveness (facial biometrics)  check. This lightning-fast, document-free verification process is  possible thanks to Sumsub’s direct access to government databases in  Brazil containing citizens’ full names, dates of birth, addresses,  photos, and other details. All the data is cross-checked automatically,  and a person doesn’t need to upload any documents. For local users,  1click verification feels familiar, since people are already used to  providing their ID number for verification, and every Brazilian citizen  knows their CPF number by heart.

Nir Saadon, COO at 10bet.“We are excited to start working together with Sumsub, a global  leader in user verification, anti-fraud and AML compliance. By combining  our online sports betting expertise with Sumsub’s top-notch  verification technologies, we are confident that we can streamline the  onboarding process for our global bettors and enjoy increased user pass  rates while mitigating fraud risks and safeguarding responsible  gambling,”

Andrew Sever, co-founder and CEO of Sumsub.“We are thrilled to announce our global collaboration with 10bet.  Our platform has been designed to simplify and streamline the  onboarding process for businesses while ensuring the highest level of  compliance and enhancing user conversion. Offering our document-free  verification for Brazilian bettors brings us special joy since Brazil is  one of our focus markets. Sumsub provides a full stack of services for  online gambling operators aiming at global growth, and we are constantly  working to improve the quality of our offerings to stay ahead of the  game,”

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